220 synonym groups for Health

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Synonyms on the topic Health


mildern, lindern, erleichtern, verringern,, dämpfen abschwächen, entschärfen, beruhigen, besänftigen, abmildern, entschädigen, heilen, trösten, unterstützen, fö... [more]

stay awake

remain alert, stay conscious, be awake, stay up, keep awake, stay vigilant, remain conscious, stay alert, keep vigilant, stay aware, remain awake, keep conscious, stay attentive, remain vigilant, keep... [more]

in view of the adverse effects

considering the negative impacts, taking into account the harmful consequences, in light of the detrimental effects, due to the adverse outcomes, because of the negative repercussions, in consideratio... [more]

mental suffering

anguish, distress, torment, agony, misery, pain, sorrow, grief, woe, heartache, despair, desolation, affliction, tribulation, wretchedness, sadness, unhappiness, melancholy, depression, anxiety, stres... [more]

alleviating the stress

reducing the stress, easing the stress, relieving the stress, lessening the stress, mitigating the stress, diminishing the stress, alleviating the pressure, easing the pressure, reducing the pressure,... [more]

being lethargic

sluggish, listless, inactive, drowsy, torpid, languid, inert, slow, weary, tired, fatigued, sleepy, apathetic, unenergetic, indolent, lazy, lackadaisical, enervated, somnolent, heavy-eyed, dozy, comat... [more]

quieting the nerves

calming, soothing, relaxing, pacifying, tranquilizing, easing, comforting, settling, alleviating, mollifying, placating, assuaging, appeasing, lulling, sedating, tempering, quieting, stilling, subduin... [more]


unhealthy, frail, weak, ailing, feeble, delicate, infirm, unwell, debilitated, wan, pallid, peaked, puny, sick, indisposed, poorly, under the weather, peaky, fragile, languid, listless, enervated, was... [more]


energy, strength, vitality, dynamism, force, power, robustness, stamina, zest, liveliness, spirit, drive, enthusiasm, verve, pep, animation, exuberance, intensity, fervor, ardor, potency, resilience,... [more]

alleviating the distress

easing the pain, reducing the suffering, relieving the discomfort, mitigating the anguish, lessening the hardship, soothing the agony, diminishing the torment, alleviating the misery, assuaging the gr... [more]


suffocating, strangling, throttling, smothering, asphyxiating, gagging, stifling

knowledgeable about the adverse effects

informed about the adverse effects, aware of the adverse effects, cognizant of the adverse effects, conscious of the adverse effects, familiar with the adverse effects, well-versed in the adverse effe... [more]

informed about the adverse effects

aware of the negative consequences, knowledgeable about the harmful impacts, informed of the detrimental effects, cognizant of the adverse outcomes, apprised of the negative repercussions, conscious o... [more]

aware of the detrimental effects

conscious of the harmful effects, mindful of the damaging effects, cognizant of the negative effects, aware of the adverse effects, conscious of the injurious effects, mindful of the deleterious effec... [more]


emissions, releases, expulsions, outflows, ejections, excretions, evacuations, secretions, disbursements, dismissals, dismissions, discharges