10 synonym groups for Existence

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Synonyms on the topic Existence


existence, being, living, survival, vitality, animation, spirit, soul, essence, entity, organism, biography, lifetime, lifespan, duration, experience, journey, adventure, reality, actuality, presence,... [more]

bringing forth

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physical, tangible, material, bodily, substantial, concrete, fleshly, somatic, carnal, earthly, mortal, palpable, real, sensible, solid, actual, incarnate, human, worldly, organic, anatomical, physiol... [more]


emergence, inception, birth, genesis, rise, advent, dawn, creation, formation, origination, commencement, initiation, start, beginning, onset, appearance, arrival, development, evolution, manifestatio... [more]

comes into being

emerges, arises, originates, materializes, develops, forms, appears, manifests, springs up, takes shape, comes forth, comes to life, comes into existence, is born, dawns, surfaces, crops up, starts, b... [more]


attendance, existence, appearance, being, participation, occupancy, company, companionship, nearness, proximity, availability, involvement, engagement


eternal, undying, everlasting, deathless, imperishable, perpetual, unending, timeless, ageless, indestructible, enduring, infinite, ceaseless, unceasing, unfading, unperishable, undiminished, abiding,... [more]


manifests, appears, emerges, surfaces, arises, develops, forms, takes shape, comes into being, actual, becomes real, becomes visible, comes forth, comes to light, comes into existence, crystallizes, i... [more]


existence, entity, creature, individual, life form, organism, person, soul, spirit, essence, nature, presence, self, identity, character, substance, living thing, mortal, human, human being, body, ani... [more]


emerge, arise, originate, develop, materialize, appear, form, manifest, spring up, take shape, come about, be born, start, commence, begin, initiate, start to exist, come forth, surface, evolve, trans... [more]