8 synonym groups for Errors

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Synonyms on the topic Errors

the mistakes

errors, blunders, faults, slip-ups, missteps, inaccuracies, oversights, lapses, miscalculations, misjudgments, faux pas, gaffes, goofs, screw-ups, misprints, typos, bloopers, flubs, misdeeds, misadven... [more]


errors, mistakes, faults, flaws, discrepancies, inconsistencies, imprecisions, miscalculations, misjudgments, misinterpretations, misstatements, falsehoods, deviations, lapses, oversights, blunders, i... [more]

enumerating the mistakes

listing the errors, cataloging the mistakes, detailing the faults, itemizing the errors, specifying the mistakes, outlining the errors, recording the mistakes, documenting the errors, noting the mista... [more]

bringing to the fore the mistakes

highlighting the mistakes, emphasizing the mistakes, underscoring the mistakes, pointing out the mistakes, drawing attention to the mistakes, spotlighting the mistakes, showcasing the mistakes, reveal... [more]


underestimating, misjudging, undervaluing, miscalculating, underrating, misappraising, misgauging, misreckoning, misassessing, downplaying, minimizing, discounting, devaluing, belittling, misconceivin... [more]


misunderstanding, confusing, misinterpreting, misconstru, misjudging, misreading, misapprehending, misconceiving, miscalculating, misestimating, misperceiving, miscomprehending, misreckoning, misident... [more]


misusing, misinterpreting, mishandling, misemploying, mismanaging


blame, error, mistake, defect, flaw, shortcoming, imperfection, weakness, failing, lapse, misstep, slip, oversight, deficiency, blemish, glitch, bug, malfunction, snag, drawback, limitation, inadequac... [more]