5 synonym groups for Englisch

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Synonyms on the topic Englisch

bringing to the fore the defects

highlighting the flaws, emphasizing the defects, pointing out the shortcomings, underscoring the weaknesses, drawing attention to the faults, exposing the deficiencies, revealing the imperfections, sh... [more]

peters out

dwindles, diminishes, fades, tapers off, wanes, ebbs, declines, lessens, weakens, subsides, abates, recedes, withers, shrinks, slackens, dies down, fizzles out, trails off, runs out, loses momentum, p... [more]


reduces, diminishes, decreases, lowers, minimizes, curtails, abates, mitigates, alleviates, weakens, attenuates, moderates, shrinks, contracts, slashes, cuts, trims, pares, scales down, tones down, ea... [more]


including, containing, encompassing, incorporating, consisting of, made up of, composed, embracing, involving, constituting, aggregating, embodying, subsuming, integrating, covering, forming, comprisi... [more]


include, engage, entail, encompass, incorporate, implicate, absorb, embroil, associate, connect, concern, affect, draw in, bring in, take in, require, necessitate, demand, call for, mean, comprise, su... [more]