14 synonym groups for Diskussion

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Synonyms on the topic Diskussion

up for debate

umstritten, diskutierbar, fraglich, strittig, anfechtbar, kontrovers, debattierbar, offen für Diskussion, nicht entschieden, in Frage gestellt

highlighting the arguments

emphasizing the arguments, stressing the arguments, underlining the arguments, accentuating the arguments, pointing out the arguments, drawing attention to the arguments, spotlighting the arguments, s... [more]

significant arguments

important arguments, substantial arguments, meaningful arguments, considerable arguments, weighty arguments, notable arguments, major arguments, serious arguments, influential arguments, consequential... [more]

bringing up a notion

raising an idea, introducing a concept, suggesting a thought, proposing a notion, presenting an idea, mentioning a concept, bringing forward a notion, putting forth an idea, advancing a concept, offer... [more]

regarding the arguments

concerning the arguments, about the arguments, in relation to the arguments, with respect to the arguments, in regard to the arguments, pertaining to the arguments, in connection with the arguments, a... [more]

taking arguments into consideration

berücksichtigen, einbeziehen, in Betracht ziehen, in Erwägung ziehen, beachten, bedenken, mit einbeziehen, mit berücksichtigen, mit einrechnen, mit einkalkulieren, mit einplanen, mit in... [more]

digesting the arguments

analyzing the arguments, understanding the arguments, comprehending the arguments, evaluating the arguments, interpreting the arguments, processing the arguments, grasping the arguments, absorbing the... [more]

impactful arguments

persuasive arguments, compelling arguments, convincing arguments, strong arguments, powerful arguments, influential arguments, effective arguments, forceful arguments, cogent arguments, potent argumen... [more]

unassailable arguments

indisputable arguments, irrefutable arguments, undeniable arguments, incontrovertible arguments, unchallengeable arguments, unquestionable arguments, conclusive arguments, compelling arguments, sound... [more]

unrelenting arguments

persistent arguments, relentless arguments, incessant arguments, unyielding arguments, unwavering arguments, unremitting arguments, ceaseless arguments, continuous arguments, unceasing arguments, unfl... [more]

putting into discussion

debating, discussing, deliberating, considering, examining, reviewing, analyzing, arguing, questioning, scrutinizing, evaluating, contemplating, reflecting, mulling over, pondering, weighing, assessin... [more]

debating a proposal

discussing-a-proposal, deliberating-a-proposal, considering-a-proposal, evaluating-a-proposal, reviewing-a-proposal, examining-a-proposal, analyzing-a-proposal, contemplating-a-proposal, weighing-a-pr... [more]

bringing into public discussion

publicizing, airing, disclosing, revealing, exposing, unveiling, announcing, broadcasting, disseminating, circulating, spreading, sharing, communicating, reporting, publishing, making public, making k... [more]


discussion, argument, dispute, contention, deliberation, dialogue, exchange, discourse, controversy, negotiation, wrangle, altercation, polemic, disputation, quarrel, tiff, squabble, bickering, sparri... [more]