6 synonym groups for Discipline

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Synonyms on the topic Discipline

giving a dressing down

reprimanding, scolding, rebuking, chastising, berating,ishing, upbraiding, reproaching, lambasting, castigating, lecturing, telling off, chewing out, bawling out, raking over the coals, hauling over t... [more]


subjugation, domination, control, suppression, subordination, mastery, conquest, overpowering, defeat, vanquishment, subduing, taming, disciplining, regulation, governance, ruling, command, authority,... [more]


scolding, reprimand, rebuke, admonishment, reproof, chastisement, berating, upbraiding, censure, dressing-down, lecture, critique, castigation, reproach, telling-off, chiding, correction, lambasting,... [more]


punishments, disciplines, corrections, penalties, reprimands, rebukes, scoldings, chastisements, censures, castigations, reproofs, admonishments, sanctions, afflictions, trials, tribulations, hardship... [more]

keeps in check

controls, restrains, regulates, curbs, limits, moderates, governs, manages, supervises, oversees, monitors, reins in, holds back, checks, contains, suppresses, constrains, directs, guides, disciplines... [more]

give a telling off

scold, reprimand, rebuke, admonish, chastise, berate,braid, chide, lecture, reprove, reproach, castigate, lambaste, criticize, censure, dress down, give a dressing-down, give a talking-to, give a piec... [more]