13 synonym groups for Chemistry

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Synonyms on the topic Chemistry


erodes, rusts, deteriorates, decays, disintegrates, decomposes, oxidizes, tarnishes, eats away, wears away, breaks down, spoils, weakens, crumbles, perishes, degrades, gnaws, consumes, discolors, with... [more]


thins, dilutes, attenuates, weakens, diminishes, reduces, lessens, lightens, disperses, diffuses


remnants, remains, leftovers, debris, dregs, leavings, scraps, remainders, vestiges, traces, fragments, particles, detritus, waste, offscourings, orts, odds and ends, bits and pieces, sweepings slag,... [more]


corroded, tarnished, oxidized, weathered, aged, decayed, deteriorated, eroded, discolored, worn, rusty-red, rusty-brown, rusty-orange, rusty-yellow, rusty-hued, rusty-colored, rusty-patina, rusty-surf... [more]


uniformity, standardization, assimilation, integration, blending, unification, consolidation,ization, amalgamation, merging, fusion, homogenizing, equalization, leveling, smoothing, consistency, regul... [more]


evaporated, vaporised, vanished, disappeared, dissipated, sublimated, volatilized


accelerator, impetus, spark, stimulus, incitement, incentive, spur, trigger, activator, motivator, instigator, promoter, facilitator, energizer, provoker, stimulant, enabler, driver, agent, force, ini... [more]

binding agent

adhesive, binder, cement, glue, paste, fixative, sealant, gum, resin, mucilage, bonding agent, cohesive agent, sticking agent, adhesive agent, fastening agent, joining agent, adhesive substance, bondi... [more]


extracts, concentrates, distillates, elixirs, quintessences, substances, cores, natures, spirits, fundamentals, principles, bases, elements, cruxes, heart, soul, gist, pith, kernel, marrow, nub, root,... [more]


glaze, glassify, vitrificate, enameled

glue solution

adhesive mixture, bonding solution, cement mixture, paste solution, sticking solution, adhesive compound, glue mixture, bonding agent, adhesive solution, cement solution


disintegrate, melt, liquefy, thaw, fuse, soften, break down, disperse, vanish, disappear, evaporate, fade, crumble, decompose, diffuse, disband, disunite, fragment, separate, split, terminate, end, an... [more]


remnant, remainder, leftover, remains, dregs, sediment, deposit, debris, leavings, surplus, vestige, trace, scrap, fragment, offscouring, scum, waste, relic, detritus, balance, odds and ends, excess,... [more]