39 synonym groups for Appearance

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Synonyms on the topic Appearance


glitter, sparkle, shimmer, shine, gleam, glint, twinkle, scintillate, flash, flicker, glisten, radiate, coruscate, dazzle, glow, beam, blaze, flare, luminesce, phosphoresce, effulge, luster, brillianc... [more]

becomes highlighted

gets-emphasized, stands-out, is-accentuated, is-illuminated, is-spotlighted, is-featured, is-stressed, is-prioritized,-marked, is-noticed, is-underlined, is-brought-to-the-forefront, is-made-prominent... [more]


arises, appears, surfaces, materializes, manifests, comes forth, springs up, crops up, comes out, develops, originates, emanates, issues, unfolds, rises, breaks out, comes into view, comes to light, s... [more]


withered, dried, desiccated, parched, wrinkled, shrunken, wizened, dehydrated, atrophied, contracted, emaciated, gaunt, wasted, wilted, sear, shrunk, mummified, crumpled, puckered, shriveled up, dried... [more]


vibrant, vivid, bright, multicolored, kaleidoscopic, variegated, prismatic, rainbow-hued, chromatic, polychromatic, technicolor, iridescent, radiant, rich, flamboyant, gaudy, jazzy, lively, striking,... [more]


appeal, charm, allure, magnetism, charisma, beauty, desirability, fascination, enchantment, seductiveness, glamour, captivation, loveliness, elegance, grace, attractiveness, comeliness, winsomeness, p... [more]


unattractive, ugly, unappealing, unsightly, homely, plain, hideous, repulsive, grotesque, unlovely, uncomely, displeasing, unprepossessing, unalluring, uninviting, uncharming, ungraceful, unhandsome,... [more]


ugly, unattractive, hideous, unappealing, repulsive, grotesque, unsightly, monstrous, unpleasant, unlovely, unseemly, displeasing, off-putting, homely, ill-favored, uncomely, unalluring, uninviting, u... [more]


sags, wilts, hangs, sinks, slumps, declines, falls, dips, lolls, dangles, flops, collapses, bows, bends, stoops, sways, lowers, subsides, weakens, flags, languishes, fades, diminishes, ebbs,edes, dete... [more]


stripes, lines, bands, marks, smears, streakings, traces, trails, veins, threads, filaments, ribbons, slashes, dashes, strokes, runs, streams, flows, currents, rivulets, drifts, smudges, blurs, swaths... [more]


disordered, messy, untidy, chaotic, jumbled, cluttered, disheveled, unkempt, disorganized, haphazard, scattered, confused, topsy-turvy, in shambles, in disarray, in a mess, in a jumble, in a muddle, i... [more]


ugly, grotesque, monstrous, repulsive, horrid, unsightly, ghastly, appalling, dreadful, frightful, gruesome, revolting, disgusting, abhorrent, loathsome, vile, foul, repellent, offensive, nauseating,... [more]


shabby, worn, ragged, threadbare, dilapidated, frayed, tattered, scruffy, seedy, decrepit, battered, run-down, bedraggled, mangy, ramshackle, beat-up, down-at-heel, moth-eaten, shabby-chic, weathered,... [more]


unkempt, disheveled, messy, untidy, scruffy, shabby, ragged, tattered, dirty, soiled, grimy, muddy, wet, drenched, soggy, draggled, tousled, rumpled, mussed, slovenly, bedraggled


shabby, dilapidated, run-down, tattered, worn-out, threadbare, seedy, scruffy, ragged, decrepit, battered, frayed, neglected, unkempt, bedraggled, disheveled, tatty, beat-up, in disrepair, weathered,... [more]