18 synonym groups for Theater

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Synonyms on the topic Theater

Adopts the roles

übernimmt die Rollen, nimmt die Rollen an, übernimmt die Funktionen, spielt die Rollen, nimmt die Aufgaben an, übernimmt die Aufgaben, agiert in den Rollen, schlüpft in die Rollen,... [more]

Assumes the Roles

übernimmt die Rollen, nimmt die Rollen ein, spielt die Rollen, agiert in den Rollen, fungiert als, tritt in die Rollen, übernimmt Funktionen, spielt Funktionen, nimmt Positionen ein, agiert... [more]

performance spaces

theaters, venues, auditoriums, stages, concert halls, playhouses, amphitheaters, arenas, opera houses, recital halls, performance halls, black box theaters, cabarets, music halls, dance studios, exhib... [more]


exaggerate, overstate, magnify, amplify, embellish, sensationalize, hyperbolize, overemphasize, inflate, overdramatize, overplay, overdo, heighten, intensify, accentuate, stress, emphasize, dramatise

fits the role

fits the role, matches the role, befits the role, suits the position, fits the position, matches the position, befits the position, suits the part, fits the part, matches the part, befits the part, su... [more]

performs the role

acts as, serves as, functions as, operates as, fulfills the role, takes on the role, assumes the role, plays the part, carries out the role, executes the role, enacts the role, discharges the role, un... [more]

accepts the role

takes the role, assumes the role, adopts the role, embraces the role, undertakes the role, fills the role, steps into the role, occupies the role, performs the role, plays the role, takes on the role,... [more]

adopts the role

assumes the role, takes on the role, plays the role, fills the role, steps into the role, acts as, serves as, functions as, becomes, takes up the role, embraces the role, inhabits the, performs the ro... [more]


imitates, mimics, parodies, apes, copies, emulates, acts like, takes off, mirrors, caricatures, pretends to be, poses as, masquerades as, plays the part of, does an impression of, simulates, replicate... [more]

takes on the role

assumes the role, adopts the role, plays the role, fills the role, steps into the role, acts as, serves as, functions as, becomes, takes up the role, undertakes the role, embraces the role, accepts th... [more]

in the wings

waiting, ready, prepared, on standby, in readiness, on the sidelines, in reserve, on hold, in the background, poised, alert, vigilant, attentive, on alert, on the alert, on the lookout, on the watch,... [more]

play the part of

portray, act, perform, represent, embody, depict, impersonate,, personify, assume, take on, play, characterize, interpret, mimic, simulate, stand in for, double for, fill in for, substitute for, be, s... [more]

take on a role

assume, adopt, undertake, embrace, accept, fill, occupy, step into, engage in, perform, carry out, handle, shoulder, take up, assume responsibility for, take charge of, take over, become, act as, serv... [more]


disguises, coverings, veils, facades, fronts, shields, screens, camouflages, guises, cloaks, masquerades, visors, hoods, helmets, barriers, filters, protections, concealments, blinds, curtains, drapes... [more]


signals, prompts, hints, indications, clues, suggestions, pointers,, reminders, nudges,, instructions, leads, triggers, stimuli, signs, intimations, advisories, alerts, notifications, warnings, advise... [more]