15 synonym groups for Status

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Synonyms on the topic Status

Come into prominence

aufkommen, in den Vordergrund treten, an Bedeutung gewinnen, sich herauskristallisieren, sich etablieren, in den Mittelpunkt rücken, bekannt werden, ins Rampenlicht treten, sich profilieren, sich... [more]

Not confirmed

nicht bestätigt, unbestätigt, nicht verifiziert, nicht anerkannt, nicht bekräftigt, nicht gesichert, nicht festgelegt, nicht offiziell, nicht klar, unklar, ungewiss, unsicher, hypotheti... [more]

becoming recognized

gaining recognition, being acknowledged, being noticed, being identified, being appreciated, being esteemed, being valued, being respected, being distinguished, being acclaimed, being celebrated, bein... [more]


incipient, nascent, rudimentary, embryonic, undeveloped, preliminary, initial, beginning, early, immature, unformed, incomplete, fledgling, budding, amorphous, formless, shapeless, unshaped, unstructu... [more]


awaiting, forthcoming, imminent, impending, undecided, unresolved, in progress, in the offing, in the works, on hold, up in the air, in abeyance in suspense, in limbo, on the horizon, in the pipeline,... [more]


resolved, established, fixed, stable, secure, permanent, decided, determined, concluded, agreed, arranged, finalized, confirmed, rooted, entrenched, ingrained, habitual, customary, regular, routine, c... [more]


supremacy, dominance, superiority, ascendancy, primacy, prominence, distinction, eminence, excellence, leadership, authority, command, control, power, influence, prestige, renown, fame, notability, im... [more]


inferior, substandard, mediocre, low-grade, second-rate, subpar, lesser, minor, secondary, suboptimal, subprime, subquality, sublevel, subordinary, subaverage, subnormal, submediocre, subinferior, sub... [more]

be completed

finished, done, accomplished, concluded, finalized, fulfilled, achieved, completed, wrapped up, ended, terminated, closed, settled, resolved, executed, perfected, realized, consummated, carried out, b... [more]


busy, engaged, taken, preoccupied, unavailable, tied up, in use, booked, reserved, employed, active, working, in service, in operation, in action, in progress, in session, in the middle of something,... [more]

not done

incomplete, unfinished, pending, uncompleted, undone, unaccomplished unfulfilled, unachieved, unexecuted, unperformed, unconsummated, unfinalized, unperfected, unpolished, unrefined, half-done, half-f... [more]

on the skids

in Schwierigkeiten, in der Klemme, in der Patsche, in Not, in Bedrängnis, in einer Krise, auf dem absteigenden Ast, in einer misslichen Lage, in einer prekären Situation, in einer Zwangslage... [more]


invulnerable, unassailable, invincible, impregnable, indomitable, unapproachable, impervious, immune, untouch, unscathed, unblemished, unmarked, unhurt, uninjured, unspoiled, pristine, flawless, perfe... [more]


verified, validated, authenticated, substantiated, corroborated, affirmed, ratified, endorsed, certified, established, proven, attested, upheld, sanctioned, accepted, acknowledged, recognized, approve... [more]

in effect

in fact, actually, effectively, essentially, practically, virtually, in reality, in truth, in practice, as a matter of fact, really, in point of fact, in actuality, in essence, in substance, in fact o... [more]