38 synonym groups for Organization

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Synonyms on the topic Organization

be in a state of clutter

be messy, be disorganized, be untidy, be in disarray, be in a mess, be chaotic, be in disorder, be cluttered, be jumbled, be in a jumble, be in a muddle, be in a shambles, be in a state of confusion,... [more]

registering the challenges

documenting the difficulties, recording the obstacles, noting the issues, logging the problems, cataloging the hurdles, listing the challenges, chronicling the struggles, registering the issues, track... [more]

categorizing the challenges

classifying the challenges, organizing the challenges, sorting the challenges, arranging the challenges, grouping the challenges, systematizing the challenges, cataloging the challenges, labeling the... [more]

simplifies the arrangement

streamlines the setup, optimizes the organization, eases the configuration, simplifies the layout, facilitates the arrangement, refines the structure, enhances the setup, improves the organization, cl... [more]


arranging, organizing, classifying, categorizing, ordering, grouping, aligning, sequencing, systematizing, structuring, arraying, ranking, grading, sifting, assorting, cataloging, indexing, filing, ta... [more]

categorizing the differences

classifying the differences, distinguishing the differences, differentiating the differences, sorting the differences, organizing the differences, grouping the differences, identifying the differences... [more]


neat, tidy, organized, methodical, systematic, structured, disciplined, well-ordered, well-organized, efficient, regimented, controlled, precise, meticulous, clean, uncluttered, shipshape, trim, arran... [more]

put in order

organize, arrange, sort, tidy, classify, systematize, order, straighten, align, categorize, structure, marshal, sequence, array, dispose, file, group, line up, neaten, rank, regulate, set up, standard... [more]


segmentation, division, partitioning, segregation, separation, categorization, classification, demarcation, differentiation, isolation, sectioning, subdivision, zoning, fragmentation, portioning, allo... [more]

finalizing preparations

completing-arrangements, finishing-preparations, wrapping-up-preparations, concluding-arrangements, finalizing-arrangements, completing-preparations, wrapping-up-arrangements, concluding-preparations

keeping track of

monitoring, tracking, observing, recording, following, supervising, overseeing, watching, checking, noting, logging, documenting, registering, cataloging, auditing, scrutinizing, surveying, controllin... [more]

in a state of disarray

disorganized, chaotic, messy, untidy, cluttered, jumbled, disordered, confused, haphazard, topsy-turvy, shambolic, in a mess, in a muddle, in turmoil, in chaos, in confusion, in disorder, in shambles,... [more]


chaotic, messy, untidy, cluttered, haphazard, jumbled, disordered, unkempt, sloppy, confused, scattered, ramshackle, disorderly, shambolic, muddled, topsy-turvy, unsystematic, helter-skelter, anarchic... [more]


tidy up, organize, clean up, sort out, streamline, clear out, arrange, simplify, purge, order, neaten, straighten, systematize, de-junk, de-clog, de-mess, de-chaos, de-clutter, de-scramble, de-tangle,... [more]


disorganize, disorder, jumble, muddle, mix up, scramble, confuse, disarray, mess up, misplace, shuffle, tangle, derange, dishevel, scatter, upset, misorder, misfile, misclassify, misalign