18 synonym groups for Geographie

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Synonyms on the topic Geographie

Crowning Point

Höhepunkt, Gipfel, Kulmination, Zenit, Höhe Spitzenpunkt, Krönung, Höhe der Dinge, Höhe der Ereignisse, Höhe der Entwicklung, Höhe der Leistung, Höhe der Karrie... [more]

marking the limits

defining the boundaries, setting the boundaries, delineating the limits, establishing the limits, outlining the boundaries, demarcating the limits, marking the boundaries, setting the limits, defining... [more]


openings, entries, entrances, mouths, channels, passages, conduits, ducts, vents, apertures, gaps, holes, slots, fissures, cracks, breaches, orifices, pores, perforations, voids, clefts, chinks, crevi... [more]


peaks, pinnacles, crests, tops, apexes,iths, heights, acmes, apices, crowns, summits


peak, summit, crest, pinnacle, apex, zenith, acme, crown, tip, cap, vertex, top, height, high point, ridge, brow, head, eminence, elevation, prominence, highland, bluff, knoll, hilltop, spire, tor, ri... [more]

unproductive terrain

barren land, wasteland, infertile ground, arid land, desolate area, unfruitful soil, sterile terrain, unyielding ground, desert land, non-arable land, unprofitable land, dry land, uninhabitable area,... [more]


peaks, summits, crests, apexes, zeniths, acmes, tops, heights, apices, culminations, high points, crowns, tips, spires, pinnacles


extends, spans, covers, varies, fluctuates, stretches, reaches, encompasses, traverses, sweeps, spreads, distributes, arrays, aligns, orders, sequences, categorizes, classifies, organizes, arranges, s... [more]


tightens, constricts, contracts, reduces, shrinks, diminishes, lessens, confines, limits, restricts, compresses, squeezes, pinches, concentrates, focuses, sharpens, intensifies, curtails, abbreviates,... [more]

places of occurrence

locations, sites, venues, spots, areas, places, settings, scenes, locales, positions, points, zones, regions, territories, environments, surroundings, habitats, grounds, premises, fields, sectors, dis... [more]


birthplace, origin, homeland, native place, provenance, source, starting point, cradle, home, roots, motherland, fatherland, native land, point of origin, wellspring, genesis, inception, native soil,... [more]


regions, areas, zones, territories, districts, sectors, parcels, plots, expanses, stretches, swathes, belts, fields, lands, grounds, spaces, patches, sections, quarters, divisions, locales, sites, loc... [more]


earth, soil, land, terrain, dirt, surface, field, floor, base, foundation, grounds, plot, turf, area, region, territory, landscape, property, estate, homestead, farmland, pasture, meadow, grassland, p... [more]

central part

center, core, middle, nucleus, hub, heart, focal point, midpoint, epicenter, kernel, axis, pivot, crux, focus, essence, gist, marrow, pith, root, seat, belly


plain, flatland, valley, basin, bottomland, prairie, savanna, steppe, grassland, meadow, moor, fen, marsh, wetland, floodplain, tundra, delta, alluvial plain, coastal plain, depression, dale, glen, ho... [more]