10 synonym groups for Focus

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Synonyms on the topic Focus

zeroing in on the points

focusing on the points, concentrating on the points, honing in on the points, targeting the points, pinpointing the points, centering on the points, directing attention to the points, aiming at the po... [more]

concentrating on the issues

focusing on the issues, addressing the issues, dealing with the issues, tackling the issues, attending to the issues, handling the issues, considering the issues, examining the issues, scrutinizing th... [more]

concerns oneself with

deals with, focuses on, addresses, engages with, is involved with, handles, tackles, manages, takes care of, looks into, pays attention to, is preoccupied with, is occupied with, is engrossed in, is a... [more]

concentrating on a topic

focusing on a topic, paying attention to a topic, zeroing in on a topic, fixating on a topic, centering on a topic, directing attention to a topic, honing in on a topic, immersing in a topic, engrossi... [more]


targeting, directing, focusing, pointing, intending, striving, planning, pursuing, seeking, aspiring, orienting, guiding, steering, setting sights on, zeroing in on, homing in on, locking onto, fixing... [more]


focus on, concentrate on, target, aim at, direct attention to, home in on, pinpoint, center on, fixate on, spotlight, highlight, emphasize, zoom in on, hone in on, lock onto, zero in, attend to, addre... [more]

give due attention to

consider, heed, regard, respect, acknowledge, notice, observe, recognize, take into account, take note of, pay attention to, focus on, concentrate on, be mindful of, be aware of, listen to, attend to,... [more]

be the focal point

be the center of attention, be in the spotlight, be the main attraction, be the highlight, be the star, be the focus, be the cynosure, be the centerpiece, be the main event, be the headliner, be the s... [more]

concentrated on

focused-on, fixated-on, engrossed-in, absorbed-in, attentive-to, immersed-in, preoccupied-with, engaged-in, riveted-by, wrapped-up-in


diversion, interruption, disturbance, interference, preoccupation, detour, sidetrack, deviation