114 synonym groups for Emotions

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Synonyms on the topic Emotions

be vacillating about

be indecisive about, be uncertain about, be unsure about, be hesitant about, be wavering about, be ambivalent about, be torn about, be conflicted about, be irresolute about, be dithering about, be in... [more]

be in a state of indecisiveness about

waver, hesitate, dither, vacillate, fluctuate, oscillate, be uncertain, be unsure, be ambivalent, be torn, be conflicted, be irresolute, be in two minds, be on the fence, be undecided, be in a quandar... [more]

be in a state of dubiety about

be uncertain about, be doubtful about, be unsure about, be hesitant about, be indecisive about, be ambivalent about, be in two minds about, be on the fence about, be skeptical about, be questioning ab... [more]

be in a state of wavering about

vacillate, hesitate, waver, dither, fluctuate, oscillate, teeter, falter, be indecisive, be uncertain, be unsure, be ambivalent, be torn, be conflicted, be irresolute, be in two minds, be on the fence... [more]

be in a state of unrest about

worry about, be anxious about, be concerned about, fret about, agonize over, be uneasy about, be troubled by, be nervous about, be apprehensive about, be distressed by, be perturbed by, be bothered by... [more]

be in a state of mistrust about

distrust, doubt, suspect, question, be skeptical about, be wary of, be suspicious of, have misgivings about, be uncertain about, be dubious about, be unsure of, be apprehensive about, be leery of, be... [more]


bewildered, perplexed, puzzled, baffled, mystified, confused, disoriented, flummoxed, nonplussed, stumped, befuddled, dumbfounded, astounded, astonished, stunned, dazed, discombobulated, at a loss, ta... [more]

quelling the trepidations

Calming the fears, soothing the anxieties, alleviating the worries, easing the apprehensions, pacifying the concerns, assuaging the unease, mitigating the dread, reducing the nervousness, allaying the... [more]

battling with a hard decision

struggling with a tough choice, wrestling with a difficult decision, grappling with a challenging choice, contending with a hard decision, facing a tough decision, dealing with a difficult choice, wre... [more]

mitigating apprehensions

Alleviating the concerns, easing the worries, reducing the fears, calming the anxieties, lessening the doubts, soothing the unease, diminishing the trepidations, assuaging the misgivings, relieving th... [more]

assuaging the unease

alleviating the discomfort, easing the anxiety, soothing the unease, calming the nerves, mitigating the worry, reducing the tension, relieving the apprehension, pacifying the unease, diminishing the d... [more]

alleviating the doubts

dispelling the doubts, easing the doubts, reducing the doubts, diminishing the doubts, allaying the doubts, assuaging the doubts, mitigating the doubts, relieving the doubts, calming the doubts, pacif... [more]

vanquishing the anxieties

overcoming the fears, conquering the worries, defeating the anxieties, subduing the fears, quelling the worries, dispelling the anxieties, mastering the fears, triumphing over the worries, surmounting... [more]

mollifying concerns

assuaging concerns, alleviating concerns, easing concerns, calming concerns, soothing concerns, mitigating concerns, pacifying concerns, appeasing concerns, reducing concerns, lessening concerns, alla... [more]


confidently, majestically, grandly, nobly, gallantly, loftily, splendidly, gloriously, triumphantly, honorably, dignifiedly, stately, exaltedly, magnificently, regally, heroically, spiritedly, bravely... [more]