21 synonym groups for Commerce

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Synonyms on the topic Commerce


seller, merchant, dealer, supplier, trader, retailer, wholesaler, purveyor, distributor, salesperson, peddler, hawker, marketer, shopkeeper, storekeeper, reseller, provider, vendor, sales agent, sales... [more]


trade, exchange, swap, trade-off, switch, interchange, trade-in, deal, transact, haggle, negotiate, dicker, truck, trade goods, trade services, trade items trade commodities, trade wares, trade mercha... [more]


dispensing, allocating, delivering, handing out, issuing, sharing, apportioning, allotting, doling out, spreading, disseminating, giving out, parceling out, meting out, rationing, circulating, diffusi... [more]

low-price goods

Billigware, Schnäppchen, Discountware, preiswerte Artikel, günstige Produkte, Niedrigpreisartikel, preisgünstige Waren, Sparartikel, Budgetware, preiswerte Güter, preisgünstig... [more]


devalue, degrade, diminish, reduce, lower, depreciate, belittle, undermine, lessen, abase, debase, downgrade, deflate, humble, humiliate, cheapen


directories, lists, indexes, registers, inventories, schedules, rosters, archives, files, records, compendiums, collections, anthologies, databases, repositories, bulletins, brochures, pamphlets, book... [more]


storehouse, depot, storage, repository, stockroom, storeroom, depository, magazine, vault, cache, armory, barn, shed, silo, godown, granary, entrepôt, emporium, store, stockpile, inventory, supp... [more]


contributions, donations, gifts, presents endowments,, bestowals, bequests, benefactions, alms, sacrifices, tributes, oblations, votives, presents, handouts, largesse, charities, subsidies, allotments... [more]


deals, discounts, offers, steals, savings, specials, promotions, markdowns, reductions, sales, price cuts, bargains, value buys, cheap finds, good buys, low prices, budget buys, cost savings, price sl... [more]


revenge, retaliation, retribution, vengeance, reprisal, requital,ress, avengement, comeuppance, justice, nemesis, satisfaction, counterblow, counterstroke, tit for tat, eye for an eye, getting even, s... [more]


bargain, negotiate, barter, dicker, wrangle, deal, trade, chaffer, horse-trade, quibble, dispute, bicker, squabble, huckster, palter, chisel, beat down, hammer out, make a deal, come to terms, settle,... [more]


obtaining, gaining, procuring, securing, attaining, getting, receiving, collecting, amassing, earning, achieving, winning, appropriating, coming by, coming into possession of, taking, fetching, gather... [more]

finalize an agreement

conclude, seal, close, complete, finalize, settle, sign, ratify, endorse, formalize, cement, clinch, wrap up, consummate, execute, agree, confirm, validate, approve, establish, secure, lock in, commit... [more]

special concession

special privilege, special allowance, special dispensation, special exemption, special favor, special grant, special indulgence, special permission, special right, special benefit, special advantage,... [more]


commerce, business, exchange, transaction, deal, barter, trading,, merchandising, traffic, buying and, retail, wholesale, import,, swap, swap meet, trade-off, industry, profession, occupation, craft,... [more]