40 synonym groups for Allgemein

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Synonyms on the topic Allgemein


übertreffend, übersteigend, überragend, übermäßig, überflüssig, übertrieben, überbordend, überzählig, überfließend, übertre... [more]

makes the approach easier

facilitates, simplifies, eases, streamlines, smooths, assists, aids, helps, supports, expedites, accelerates, advances, promotes, enhances, improves, optimizes, boosts, augments, refines, clarifies, l... [more]


usual, ordinary, typical, standard, regular, normal, conventional, familiar, frequent, prevalent, widespread, everyday, routine, customary, habitual, general, mainstream, average, run-of-the-mill, gar... [more]

designated portion

allocated-section, assigned-part, designated-segment, specified-portion, earmarked-section, allotted-part, appointed-segment, determined-portion, set-aside-section, reserved-part, fixed-segment, prear... [more]


facilitates, eases, simplifies, alleviates, assists, aids, helps, streamlines, smooths, expedites, lightens, mitigates, reduces, lessens, diminishes, relieves, supports, abates, softens moderates, cus... [more]


finishes, concludes, finalizes, accomplishes, fulfills, wraps up, ends, terminates, closes, achieves, executes, perfects, consummates, realizes, finalises, finishes off, polishes off, winds up, rounds... [more]


united, merged, integrated, consolidated, fused, amalgamated, blended, unified, joined, coalesced, incorporated, synthesized, compounded, assembled, intertwined, interwoven, linked, associated, connec... [more]

brings about

causes, produces, generates, leads to, results in, triggers, initiates, instigates, provokes, induces, creates, engenders, gives rise to, precipitates, prompts, spawns, sets off, stirs up, ushers in,... [more]


outside, exterior, outer, external, outward, outwards, beyond, away, out-of-doors, alfresco, outlying, outermost, outboard, extrinsic, outwith, out of, out from, out there, out in the open, out in the... [more]


unlocking, opening, unsealing, unfastening, unbolting, unlatching, releasing, freeing, unshutting, unblocking


diverge, stray, veer, swerve, depart, digress, differ, vary, wander, drift, turn, detour, err, ramble, meander, shift, change, fluctuate, branch off, go off course, go astray, move away, break away


accurate, precise, exact, correct, right, on target, on the mark, dead-on, bang-on, on point, unerring, faultless, perfect, true, pinpoint


nonappearances, nonattendances, truancies, absentees


unite, combine, merge, link, join, connect, fuse, blend, amalgamate, integrate, coalesce, couple, pair, yoke, associate, ally, bond, attach, affix, append, fasten, tie, tether, bind, hitch, secure, sp... [more]


intact, undamaged, unbroken, whole, unblemished, pristine, flawless, perfect, sound, unharmed, unscathed, unspoiled, unmarked, untouched, uninjured, complete, entire, solid, secure, stable, firm, stro... [more]