17 synonym groups for Technik

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Synonyms on the topic Technik


Festziehen, Anziehen, Straffen, Verengen, Zusammenziehen, Festmachen, Zuziehen, Komprimieren, Verfestigen, Enger machen, Anspannen, Verhärten, Zusammenpressen, Verdichten, Festklemmen, Zwingen, S... [more]

diagnosing defects

Fehleranalyse, Fehlerdiagnose, Mängelerkennung, Defekterkennung, Schadensdiagnose, Störungsanalyse, Störungserkennung, Fehlererkennung, Defektanalyse, Schadensanalyse, Mängeldiagno... [more]

diagnosing the defects

identifying the flaws, detecting the issues, pinpoint the problems, discovering the faults, analyzing the defects, determining the deficiencies, recognizing the errors, finding the malfunctions, uncov... [more]

inspecting the faults

examining the defects, checking the flaws, reviewing the errors, analyzing the issues, scrutinizing the problems, assessing the imperfections, evaluating the faults, investigating the deficiencies, in... [more]

reduces the pressure

lowers the pressure, decreases the pressure, diminishes the pressure, lessens the pressure, alleviates the pressure, eases the pressure, mitigates the pressure, relieves the pressure, lightens the pre... [more]


cutoff, closure, stop, termination, cessation, halt, interruption, discontinu, end, close, finish, conclusion, stoppage, arrest, break, pause, intermission, suspension, block, seal, barricade, barrier... [more]


alignments, harmonizations, coordinations, integrations, unifications, standardizations adjustments, matches, calibrations, orchestrations, synchronies, timings, harmonies


adjustments, modifications, corrections, realignments, fine-tunings,culations, reconfigurations, readjustments, refinements, tweaks, alterations, changes, updates, revisions, resets, remeasurements, r... [more]

breaks down

decomposes, disintegrates, crumbles, collapses, deteriorates, fragments, shatters, splits, falls apart, disassembles, decays, erodes, disbands, dissolves, dematerializes, pulverizes, smashes, ruptures... [more]


well-designed, well-constructed, well-built, well-crafted, well-made, expertly-engineered, skill-designed, efficiently-engineered, precisely-constructed, meticulously-crafted, robustly-built, soundly-... [more]


plugs, caps, corks, bungs, seals, lids, closures, barriers, blockers, impediments, obstructions, preventers, inhibitors, deterrents, brakes, halts, pauses, intermissions, interruptions, suspensions, b... [more]

sealing ring

gasket, o-ring, seal, washer, packing, rubber ring, sealing gasket, sealing washer, sealing o-ring, sealing seal, sealing packing


diagram, blueprint, plan, layout, drawing, outline, chart, map, representation, sketch, design, draft, model, framework, guide, schema, structure, configuration, arrangement, format, pattern, template... [more]


push-button, switch, control, actuator, knob, key, trigger, button


dry, ungreased, unoiled, unmoistened, uncoated, frictional, rough