21 synonym groups for Leisure

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Synonyms on the topic Leisure

lazing about

faulenzen, herumlungern, herumhängen, chillen, gammeln, nichts tun, sich ausruhen, dösen relaxen, abhängen, sichannen, sich treiben lassen, sich lassen, sich ausannen, sich erholen, sic... [more]

lounging about

relaxing, lazing, loafing, idling, lounging, resting, chilling, vegging, hanging out, taking it easy, unwinding, loafing around, bumming around, goofing off, slacking off, kicking back, doing nothing,... [more]

lazing around

lounging, loafing, idling, lounging around, loafing around, goofing off, slacking off, bumming around, vegging out, chilling, chilling out, taking it easy, hanging out, doing nothing, wasting time, da... [more]

goofing off, messing around

fooling around, goofing around, playing around, horsing around, clowning around, mucking about, goofing, dallying, idling, loafing, lazing, lounging, skylarking, shilly-shallying, trifling, pottering,... [more]

twiddling thumbs

fidgeting, idling, loafing, dawdling, procrastinating,, lazing, wasting time, goofing off, killing time, dilly-dallying, shilly-shallying, trifling, puttering, pottering, piddling, loitering, malinger... [more]

have a binge

binge, indulge, overindulge, splurge, gorge, overeat, feast, overconsume, pig out, stuff oneself, go on a spree, go overboard, go wild, overdo it, go on a bender, go on a tear, go on a jag, go on a ra... [more]

messing around

goofing off, fooling around, playing around, horsing around, goofing around, mucking about, messing about, clowning around, dicking around, larking about, larking around, monkeying around, shenanigans... [more]

larking about

fooling around, messing around, goofing off, horsing around, clowning around, playing around, mucking about, fooling, jesting, joking, skylarking, dallying, shenanigans, tomfoolery, monkeying around,... [more]

messing about

fooling around, goofing off, playing around, wasting time, dawdling, loafing, idling, pottering, tinkering, puttering, mucking about, horsing around, shilly-shallying, dilly-dallying, trifling, toying... [more]

hanging about

loitering, lingering, dawdling, loafing, idling, skulking, tarrying, lounging, milling around, hanging around, waiting around, bumming around, killing time, wasting time, goofing off, dilly-dallying,... [more]

enjoy oneself

have fun, have a good time, have a blast, have a ball, it up, revel, party, celebrate, let loose, have a whale of a time, have a jolly time, have a great time, have a wonderful time, have a fantastic... [more]


actions, tasks, pursuits, endeavors, operations, exercises, undertakings, events, enterprises, engagements, efforts, projects, deeds, functions, performances, movements, initiatives, practices, procee... [more]


strolling, ambling, meandering, wandering, rambling, moseying, perambulating, roving, traipsing, drifting, dawdling, loitering, promenading, straying, saunter


unwind, chill, rest, ease, loosen up, take it easy, de-stress, calm down, mellow out, kick back, take a break, wind down, lay back, take a load off, let go, settle down, breathe easy, take a breather... [more]


idling, lounging, lazing, lounging around, goofing off, slacking, dawdling, loafing around, hanging around, bumming around, wasting time, dilly-dallying, procrastinating, loafing about, frittering awa... [more]