capture Synonym

Synonyme capture

seize - apprehend - catch - arrest - nab - detain - grab - snatch - take - secure - trap - ensnare imprison - incarcerate - confine - net - bag - collar - pin down - round up - take prisoner - take into custody - take hold of - lay hold of - get hold of - take in - take captive - take charge of - take possession of - take over - take control of - gain control of - gain possession of - gain custody of - gain hold of - gain charge of - gain captive - gain prisoner - gain net - gain bag - gain collar - gain pin down - gain round up - gain seize - gain apprehend - gain catch - gain arrest - gain nab - gain detain

Capture refers to the act of catching or taking control of someone or something. This term can apply to a variety of contexts, including capturing wildlife, seizing territory during a conflict, or even capturing an image with a camera. In the digital realm, it might involve capturing data or information. The concept generally implies an effort to secure or take possession of a particular entity, often with some degree of enforcement or proactive effort.

Category: Hunting Tags: Capture Trap Seize

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