bringing to view the defects Synonym

Synonyme bringing to view the defects

highlighting the flaws - exposing the defects - revealing the shortcomings - uncovering the weaknesses - pointing out the faults - showing the deficiencies - disclosing the imperfections - bringing to light the errors - identifying the issues - laying bare the problems - making visible the defects - drawing attention to the flaws - spotlighting the weaknesses - emphasizing the faults - demonstrating the deficiencies - presenting the imperfections - showcasing the errors - illustrating the issues - manifesting the problems - bringing out the defects - calling attention to the flaws - underlining the weaknesses - stressing the faults - accentuating the deficiencies - elucidating the imperfections - clarifying the errors - detailing the issues - explicating the problems - making apparent the defects - bringing into focus the flaws - foregrounding the weaknesses - shedding light on the faults - articulating the deficiencies - specifying the imperfections - pinpointing the errors - cataloging the issues - enumerating the problems - making clear the defects - bringing forward the flaws - surfacing the weaknesses - unmasking the faults - laying open the deficiencies - baring the imperfections - outing the errors - tabling the issues - ventilating the problems - making known the defects - bringing up the flaws - unearthing the weaknesses

Der Ausdruck 'bringing to view the defects' bedeutet, Schwachstellen oder Mängel in einem bestimmten Kontext sichtbar zu machen oder zu offenbaren. Dies kann sich auf physische Objekte, Software, theoretische Arbeiten oder andere Produkte und Konzepte beziehen. Typischerweise beinhaltet dies eine sorgfältige Prüfung und Analyse, um verborgene oder nicht sofort erkennbare Probleme zu identifizieren.

Category: Kritik Tags: Fehler Enthüllung Analyse

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