bringing the issues to the public's awareness Synonym

Synonyme bringing the issues to the public's awareness

raising awareness - highlighting the issues - drawing attention to the issues - making the issues known - publicizing the issues - informing the public - educating the public - spreading awareness - bringing the issues to light - shedding light on the issues - alerting the public - making the public aware - raising public consciousness - increasing public awareness - bringing attention to the issues - raising public awareness - making the issues visible - bringing the issues to the forefront - raising the profile of the issues - bringing the issues to public attention - making the issues a public concern - sensitizing the public - bringing the issues into the open - making the issues a topic of discussion - bringing the issues to the public eye - making the issues a public matter - bringing the issues to public notice - making the issues a public topic - bringing the issues to public consciousness - making the issues a public issue - bringing the issues to public focus - making the issues a public subject - bringing the issues to public scrutiny - making the issues a public debate - bringing the issues to public discourse - making the issues a public dialogue - bringing the issues to public examination - making the issues a public interest - bringing the issues to public inspection - making the issues a public inquiry - bringing the issues to public investigation - making the issues a public review - bringing the issues to public study - making the issues a public analysis - bringing the issues to public consideration - making the issues a public evaluation - bringing the issues to public reflection - making the issues a public contemplation

Bringing the issues to the public's awareness means making certain topics or problems known to the wider community. It involves communication strategies to inform and educate the public, often aiming to encourage dialogue, understanding, and action. This process can include campaigns, publicity, media coverage, and various forms of outreach to ensure that the public becomes aware and possibly engaged in the matters being highlighted.

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