bringing the issues into the open Synonym

Synonyme bringing the issues into the open

offenlegen - enthüllen - aufdecken - publik machen - ans Licht bringen - transparent machen - offenbaren - bekannt machen - zur Sprache bringen - thematisieren - zur Diskussion stellen - auf den Tisch bringen - zur Kenntnis bringen - ins Bewusstsein rufen - offen ansprechen - zur Debatte stellen - in die Öffentlichkeit bringen - aufklären - entlarven - aufzeigen - darlegen

Bringing the issues into the open refers to the act of making problems or concerns visible and known to the broad public or to the relevant stakeholders. This often involves addressing and discussing issues that were previously concealed or unackressed, ensuring that all parties have a clear understanding and insight into the matters at hand. The goal is to foster transparent communication and resolve issues through collective awareness and action.

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