bringing the arguments to attention Synonym

Synonyme bringing the arguments to attention

highlighting the arguments - emphasizing the arguments - pointing out the arguments - drawing attention the arguments - underlining the arguments - stressing the arguments - showcasing the arguments - spotlighting the arguments - focusing on the arguments - accentuating the arguments - foregrounding the arguments - calling attention to the arguments - making the arguments known - bringing the arguments to light - illuminating the arguments - shedding light on the arguments - presenting the arguments - exposing the arguments - revealing the arguments - clarifying the arguments - elucidating the arguments - outlining the arguments - detailing the arguments - explaining the arguments - discussing the arguments - addressing the arguments - mentioning the arguments - noting the arguments - citing the arguments - referencing the arguments - bringing up the arguments - raising the arguments - introducing the arguments - broaching the arguments - surfacing the arguments - airing the arguments - publicizing the arguments - advertising the arguments - broadcasting the arguments - trumpeting the arguments - proclaiming the arguments - announcing the arguments - declaring the arguments - voicing the arguments - articulating the arguments - expressing the arguments - stating the arguments - communicating the arguments - conveying the arguments - reporting the arguments

The phrase 'bringing the arguments to attention' refers to the act of making others aware of the specific points or arguments in a discussion or debate. It involves emphasizing particular aspects or viewpoints to ensure that they are considered and evaluated critically by the audience or participants. This can be crucial in ensuring comprehensive understanding and thoughtful deliberation on the matter at hand.

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