bringing facts to light Synonym

Synonyme bringing facts to light

revealing - uncovering - exposing - disclosing - unveiling - unmasking - bringing to attention - bringing to the fore - bringing to light - making known - making public - bringing out - laying bare - bringing into the open - shedding light on - bringing to the surface - bringing forward - bringing to notice - bringing to view - bringing to prominence - bringing to awareness - bringing to the forefront - bringing to the limelight - bringing to the spotlight - bringing to the front - bringing to the forelight - bringing to the foreground - bringing to the public eye - bringing to the public's attention - bringing to the public's notice - bringing to the public's view - bringing to the public's awareness - bringing to the public's knowledge - bringing to the public's understanding - bringing to the public's perception - bringing to the public's recognition - bringing to the public's realization - bringing to the public's consciousness - bringing to the public's insight - bringing to the public's comprehension - bringing to the public's discernment - bringing to the public's grasp - bringing to the public's apprehension - bringing to the public's cognizance - bringing to the public's observation

Das englische Synonym 'bringing facts to light' bedeutet, Informationen, Fakten oder Wahrheiten ans Licht zu bringen. Es geht darum, etwas, das bisher verborgen oder unklar war, deutlich zu machen und der Öffentlichkeit zugänglich zu machen. Dies kann in verschiedenen Kontexten geschehen, sei es durch investigative Journalismus, wissenschaftliche Forschung oder rechtliche Ermittlungen.

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