boundary Synonym

Synonyme boundary

border - edge - limit - frontier - perimeter - boundary line - borderline - confines - margin - demarcation - threshold - bounds - extremity - fringe - verge - terminus - end - termination - cutoff - dividing line - partition - separation - interface - barrier - frontier line - boundary marker - boundary post - boundary stone - boundary fence - boundary wall - boundary ditch - boundary hedge - boundary stream - boundary river - boundary road - boundary path - boundary track - boundary trail - boundary lane - boundary avenue - boundary boulevard - boundary street - boundary highway - boundary route - boundary passage - boundary corridor - boundary alley - boundary walkway

A boundary is a line or border that marks the limits of an area, entity, or thing. It can define physical spaces, territories, or even conceptual limits. Boundaries are important in both natural and human contexts, such as countries, properties, or personal spaces.

Category: Geography Tags: Border Limit Edge

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