blames Synonym

Synonyme blames

accuses - charges - faults - reproaches - censures,ns - criticizes - indicts - implicates - incriminates - attributes - imputes - holds responsible - points the finger at - fingers - pins on - lays at the door of - lays on - puts on - assigns - ascribes - denounces - lambasts - castigates - berates - scolds - reprimands - rebukes - admonishes - chides - upbraids - reproves - censures - slams - slates - raps - takes to task - calls to account - holds accountable - finds fault with - takes issue with - accuses of - charges with - indicts for - incriminates for - implicates in - attributes to - imputes to - lays the blame on

The act of attributing responsibility for a fault or wrong. When one 'blames' someone, they are holding them accountable for a failure, mistake, or wrongdoing. Blame can be assigned to an individual, group, or entity and can be expressed verbally or through actions. The process often involves aspects of judgment, moral assessment, and accountability.

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