becomes tattered Synonym

Synonyme becomes tattered

frays - wears out - shreds - tears - rips - deteriorates - unravels - disintegrates - tatters - frays at the edges - wears thin - becomes ragged - becomes worn - becomes threadbare - becomes shabby - becomes dilapidated - becomes worn out - becomes frayed - becomes torn - becomes ripped - becomes decrepit - becomes battered - becomes weathered - becomes eroded - becomes damaged - becomes ruined - becomes decayed - becomes frazzled - becomes frayed at the edges - becomes worn down - becomes worn to a frazzle - becomes worn to a thread - becomes worn to a nub - becomes worn to a shadow - becomes worn to a wisp - becomes worn to a ghost - becomes worn to a specter - becomes worn to a phantom - becomes worn to a wraith - becomes worn to a shade - becomes worn to a husk - becomes worn to a shell - becomes worn to a remnant - becomes worn to a fragment - becomes worn to a sliver - becomes worn to a shred

Der Ausdruck 'becomes tattered' beschreibt den Zustand eines Objekts, insbesondere eines Stücks Textils oder Papiers, das im Laufe der Zeit oder durch grobe Behandlung abgenutzt oder zerrissen ist. Dies kann durch ständigen Gebrauch, Witterungseinflüsse oder mangelnde Pflege geschehen. Ein tattered Gegenstand weist oft Risse, Löcher oder Fransen auf und hat seine ursprüngliche Form und Funktionalität weitgehend verloren.

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