be of the same mind Synonym

Synonyme be of the same mind

agree - concur - see eye to eye - be in agreement - be on the same page - be in accord - be in harmony - be united - be in unison - be like-minded - be of one mind - be in sync - be in step - be in line - be in tune - be on the same wavelength - be of the same opinion - be of one accord - be of the same view - be of the same sentiment - be of the same thought - be of the same belief - be of the same conviction - be of the same persuasion - be of the same understanding - be of the same judgment - be of the same conclusion - be of the same decision - be of the same resolution - be of the same determination - be of the same stance - be of the same standpoint - be of the same perspective - be of the same outlook - be of the same attitude - be of the same approach - be of the same mindset - be of the same viewpoint - be of the same position - be of the same disposition - be of the same inclination - be of the same tendency - be of the same leaning - be of the same bent - be of the same drift - be of the same trend - be of the same slant

To be of the same mind means to hold a similar opinion or perspective about something as another individual or group. It indicates a shared view, harmony in thoughts or intentions, and can often lead to easier collaboration and decision-making processes.

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