be nervous about Synonym

Synonyme be nervous about

anxious - worried - concerned - apprehensive - uneasy - nervous - tense - jittery - on edge - fretful - agitated - restless - troubled - fearful - afraid - panicky - alarmed - distressed - uptight - jumpy - skittish - fidgety - perturbed - disquieted - disturbed - unsettled - queasy - twitchy - spooked - flustered - worried sick - in a dither - in a tizzy - in a flap - in a state - on pins and needles - on tenterhooks - all of a dither - all of a flutter - having kittens - having the jitters - having the heebie-jeebies - having butterflies - in a sweat - in a lather - in a stew - in a funk - in a panic

The phrase 'be nervous about' describes a state of feeling anxiety or worry when anticipating something, particularly when confronted with situations perceived as challenging or threatening. This anticipation might result in physical symptoms such as increased heart rate, sweating, or trembling, and emotionally, it might lead to doubt or lack of confidence regarding the impending event.

Category: Emotion Tags: Anxiety Concern Worry

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