assuagement Synonym

Synonyme assuagement

relief - alleviation - mitigation - easing - comfort - solace - appeasement - pacification - mollification - palliation - lessening - reduction - abatement - soothing - calming - placation - quelling - quieting - assuaging - tempering - softening - moderation - diminution - lightening - allaying - reprieve - remission - relaxation - balm - succor - support - aid - help - assistance - consolation - reassurance - encouragement - peace - tranquility - serenity - contentment - satisfaction - gratification - fulfillment - quenching - resolution - settlement

Assuagement refers to the alleviation or mitigation of emotional distress, pain, or discomfort. It involves soothing and bringing relief to a troubled or anxious mind, and is often associated with actions or events that calm or pacify a person.

Category: Emotions Tags: Easing Relief Comfort

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