articulating the reasons Synonym

Synonyme articulating the reasons

explaining the reasons - stating the reasons - expressing the reasons - outlining the reasons - detailing the reasons - presenting the reasons - describing the reasons - clarifying the reasons - justifying the reasons - elucidating the reasons - specifying the reasons - communicating the reasons - conveying the reasons - narrating the reasons - illustrating the reasons - defining the reasons - expounding the reasons - interpreting the reasons - rationalizing the reasons - accounting for the reasons - making clear the reasons - setting forth the reasons - laying out the reasons - spelling out the reasons - enunciating the reasons - expatiating on the reasons - explicating the reasons - illuminating the reasons - making explicit the reasons - making plain the reasons - shedding light on the reasons - demystifying the reasons - decoding the reasons - unravelling the reasons - unpacking the reasons - breaking down the reasons - elaborating on the reasons - amplifying the reasons - expanding on the reasons - giving an account of the reasons - making known the reasons - putting into words the reasons - verbalizing the reasons - voicing the reasons - articulating the rationale - explaining the rationale - stating the rationale - expressing the rationale - outlining the rationale

Das 'Artikulieren der Gründe' ist der Prozess, in dem jemand die Gründe oder Argumente klar und präzise beschreibt oder erklärt. Es handelt sich oft um logisches und strukturiertes Kommunizieren, bei dem die Gründe oder Ursachen hinter einer bestimmten Entscheidung, Handlung oder Meinung dargelegt werden. Diese Fähigkeit ist besonders in Bereichen wie Bildung, Wissenschaft, Wirtschaft und persönlicher Kommunikation wichtig, um Verständnis und Klarheit zu gewährleisten.

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