arbitrating the altercation Synonym

Synonyme arbitrating the altercation

mediating the dispute - resolving the conflict - adjudicating the disagreement - settling the argument - negotiating the quarrel - arbitrating the disagreement - mediating the argument - resolving the altercation - adjudicating the conflict - settling the dispute - negotiating the disagreement - arbitrating the conflict - mediating the quarrel - resolving the argument - adjudicating the quarrel - settling the conflict - negotiating the argument - arbitrating the argument - mediating the disagreement - resolving the quarrel - adjudicating the dispute - settling the quarrel - negotiating the conflict - arbitrating the quarrel - mediating the conflict - resolving the disagreement - adjudicating the argument - negotiating the dispute - arbitrating the dispute - mediating the altercation - adjudicating the altercation - settling the altercation - negotiating the altercation - arbitrating the altercation

Arbitrating the altercation refers to the process of settling a dispute or conflict between parties through the intervention of an arbitrator. This typically involves an impartial third party who reviews the arguments and evidence presented and then makes a decision to resolve the issue. Unlike court cases, arbitration is usually less formal, quicker, and can be more flexible according to the needs of the involved parties.

Category: Law Tags: Mediation Dispute Resolution

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