appeasing the conflict Synonym

Synonyme appeasing the conflict

calming the conflict - pacifying the conflict - mitigating the conflict - alleviating the conflict - soothing the conflict - easing the conflict - defusing the conflict - resolving the conflict - placating the conflict - mollifying the conflict - quelling the conflict - settling the conflict - reducing the conflict - tempering the conflict - quieting the conflict - subduing the conflict - assuaging the conflict - reconciling the conflict - harmonizing the conflict - mediating the conflict - arbitrating the conflict - negotiating the conflict - smoothing the conflict - tranquilizing the conflict - moderating the conflict - balancing the conflict - softening the conflict - cushioning the conflict - cushioning the impact of the conflict - lessening the conflict - diminishing the conflict - abating the conflict - neutralizing the conflict - de-escalating the conflict - curbing the conflict - controlling the conflict - managing the conflict - handling the conflict - addressing the conflict - dealing with the conflict - treating the conflict - attending to the conflict - confronting the conflict - facing the conflict - tackling the conflict - approaching the conflict - engaging with the conflict - working through the conflict - sorting out the conflict

Den Konflikt zu besänftigen bedeutet, Maßnahmen zu ergreifen, um Spannungen oder Auseinandersetzungen zwischen Parteien zu mindern. Dies kann durch diplomatische Verhandlungen, Kompromisse, oder andere friedensfördernde Maßnahmen erfolgen, die darauf abzielen, eine einvernehmliche Lösung zu finden und weitere Eskalationen zu verhindern.

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