agrees to the commitments Synonym

Synonyme agrees to the commitments

accepts the obligations - consents to the responsibilities - concurs with the duties - assents to the promises - complies with the agreements - adheres to the commitments - endorses the pledges - supports the undertakings - approves the obligations - ratifies the responsibilities - confirms the duties - acknowledges the promises - subscribes to the agreements - embraces the commitments - upholds the pledges - validates the undertakings - affirms the obligations - concurs with the responsibilities - agrees with the duties - accepts the promises - consents to the agreements - adheres to the pledges - supports the commitments - endorses the undertakings - approves the responsibilities - ratifies the duties - confirms the promises - acknowledges the agreements - subscribes to the commitments - embraces the pledges - upholds the undertakings - validates the responsibilities - affirms the duties - concurs with the promises - agrees with the agreements - accepts the pledges - consents to the commitments - adheres to the undertakings - supports the obligations - endorses the responsibilities - approves the duties - ratifies the promises - confirms the agreements - acknowledges the commitments - subscribes to the pledges - embraces the undertakings - upholds the obligations

Sich bereit erklären, bestimmte Verpflichtungen oder Vereinbarungen zu akzeptieren und einzuhalten. Dies kann in verschiedenen Kontexten geschehen, wie z. B. in rechtlichen Verträgen, formellen Vereinbarungen oder persönlichen Versprechen. Es bedeutet, dass eine Person oder Partei zusichert, bestimmte Handlungen oder Aufgaben in Übereinstimmung mit den festgelegten Bedingungen auszuführen.

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