admitting responsibility Synonym

Synonyme admitting responsibility

acknowledging responsibility - accepting responsibility - owning up - taking the blame - confessing - conceding - recognizing responsibility - assuming responsibility - taking accountability - owning responsibility - accepting blame - admitting fault - taking responsibility - acknowledging fault - accepting liability - owning fault - taking the fall - fessing up - coming clean - taking ownership - accepting guilt - acknowledging guilt - assuming blame - taking the heat - taking the rap - shouldering the blame - bearing the blame - accepting culpability - acknowledging culpability - taking the burden - accepting the burden - admitting guilt - taking the hit - taking the consequences - facing the music - taking the onus - accepting the onus - acknowledging the blame - accepting the consequences - taking the responsibility - admitting liability - accepting the blame - taking the guilt - acknowledging the consequences - accepting the fault - admitting the blame

Admitting responsibility bedeutet, die eigenen Handlungen oder Fehler anzuerkennen und die damit verbundene Verantwortung zu übernehmen. Es beinhaltet das Eingeständnis, dass man für bestimmte Handlungen verantwortlich ist und deren Konsequenzen akzeptiert. Dies ist ein wichtiger Aspekt in der Ethik und Moral, da es Vertrauen schafft und zur Integrität einer Person oder Institution beiträgt.

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