dormancy Synonym

Synonyme dormancy

inactivity - quiescence - latency - hibernation - torpor - rest - suspension - stillness - idleness - repose - stasis - abeyance - inertia - sleep - standstill - stagnation - immobility - calm - quiet - pause - intermission - dormition - slumber - lethargy - inaction - hiatus - respite - break - lull - cessation - delay

Dormancy refers to a period in an organism's life cycle when growth, development, and physical activity are temporarily stopped. This minimizes metabolic activity and, therefore, helps an organism to conserve energy. Dormancy is typically seen in plants, fungi, and some invertebrates during adverse conditions such as extreme temperatures or dryness. The dormant period allows organisms to survive until favorable conditions return. In plants, this can include seed dormancy, whereas in animals it can refer to hibernation or estivation.

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