disregard Synonym

Synonyme disregard

ignore - neglect - overlook - dismiss - discount - brush off - pay no attention to - take no notice of - pass over - slight - snub - spurn - scorn - disdain - forget - omit - bypass - leave out - set aside - turn a blind eye to - turn a ear to - be to - be oblivious to - be unconcerned about - be inattentive to - be negligent of - be heedless of - be unmindful of - be insensible to - be apathetic towards - be neglectful of - be remiss in - be slack in - be lax in - be careless of - be thoughtless of - be unobservant of - be inattentive towards - be unresponsive to - be unperceptive of - be unseeing of - be unheeding of - be unnoticing of - be unnoted by - be unrecognized by - be unacknowledged by - be unappreciated by - be unvalued by

Disregard means to ignore or pay no attention to something or someone. It can also refer to the act of treating something as unimportant or not deserving consideration. This term is often used in contexts where an individual intentionally avoids acknowledging certain information, instructions, or social norms.

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