disclosing the flaws Synonym

Synonyme disclosing the flaws

revealing the weaknesses - exposing the faults - uncovering the defects - highlighting the shortcomings - pointing out the errors - identifying the issues - bringing to light the imperfections - showing the deficiencies - laying bare the problems - unmasking the flaws - disclosing the errors - unveiling the weaknesses - presenting the faults - demonstrating the defects - indicating the shortcomings - making known the issues - bringing out the imperfections - exposing the deficiencies - revealing the problems - uncovering the errors - highlighting the flaws - pointing out the weaknesses - identifying the faults - bringing to light the defects - showing the shortcomings - laying bare the issues - unmasking the imperfections - disclosing the deficiencies - unveiling the problems - presenting the errors - demonstrating the flaws - indicating the weaknesses - making known the faults - bringing out the defects - exposing the shortcomings - revealing the issues - uncovering the imperfections - highlighting the deficiencies - pointing out the problems - identifying the errors - bringing to light the flaws - showing the weaknesses - laying bare the faults - unmasking the defects - disclosing the shortcomings - unveiling the issues - presenting the imperfections - demonstrating the deficiencies - indicating the problems

Die Enthüllung von Fehlern bezieht sich auf den Prozess, bei dem Schwächen, Mängel oder Unvollkommenheiten in Systemen, Produkten, Ideen oder Personen offengelegt werden. Diese Offenlegung kann dazu dienen, Transparenz zu schaffen, Verbesserungspotenziale zu identifizieren oder die Integrität zu bewahren. Dies geschieht oft in Kontexten wie Qualitätskontrolle, Prüfung, Berichterstattung oder analytischer Kritik. Ziel ist es, die betreffenden Fehler sichtbar zu machen, um sie anzugehen und zu beheben.

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