disarray Synonym

Synonyme disarray

disorder - chaos - confusion - mess - turmoil - clutter - jumble - mudd - disorganization - upheaval - shambles - havoc - disruption - dishevelment - anarchy - pandemonium - discombobulation - topsy-turviness - untidiness - disarrangement - disjointedness - disorderedness - disordered state - messiness - disordered condition - disordered situation - disordered state of affairs - disordered environment - disordered system - disordered structure - disordered setup - disordered layout - disordered framework - disordered scheme - disordered plan - disordered arrangement - disordered pattern - disordered design - disordered format - disordered configuration - disordered organization - disordered order - disordered sequence - disordered series - disordered progression - disordered succession

Disarray refers to a state of disorganization or untidiness. It can describe a situation where things are in a confused or chaotic condition. The term can be used in various contexts, including describing a physical space, like a room that is messy, or in a more abstract sense, such as a plan or situation that is not structured or well-organized.

Category: Confusion Tags: Chaos Disorder Mess

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