diminish the misery Synonym

Synonyme diminish the misery

alleviate the suffering - reduce the pain - lessen the distress - ease the agony - mitigate the hardship - relieve the torment - decrease the anguish - lighten the burden - soothe the sorrow - assuage the grief - diminish the anguish - abate the woe - soften the affliction - palliate the discomfort - temper the adversity - moderate the hardship - allay the distress - curb the suffering - dampen the misery - mollify the pain - placate the torment - quell the anguish - subdue the sorrow - tranquilize the grief - weaken the woe - alleviate the affliction - reduce the discomfort - lessen the adversity - ease the hardship - mitigate the distress - relieve the suffering - decrease the torment - lighten the anguish - soothe the pain - assuage the sorrow - diminish the grief - abate the misery - soften the woe - palliate the affliction - temper the discomfort - moderate the adversity - allay the suffering - curb the distress - dampen the pain - mollify the torment - placate the anguish - quell the sorrow - subdue the grief - tranquilize the woe

Der Ausdruck 'diminish the misery' bedeutet, das Leid oder den Schmerz zu verringern. Es handelt sich dabei um Maßnahmen oder Handlungen, die dazu beitragen, dass ein bestehendes Problem, Schmerz oder Leid weniger intensiv oder belastend wird. Dies kann durch direkte Hilfe, emotionale Unterstützung oder andere Mittel erreicht werden.

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