detraction Synonym

Synonyme detraction

belittlement - disparagement - denigration - deprecation - depreciation - derogation - aspersion - slander - vilification - calumny - defamation,el - backbiting - maligning - criticism - censure - abuse - scorn - ridicule - mockery - insult - offense - slight - affront - smear - bad-mouthing - character assassination - mudslinging - traducement - vituperation - invective - obloquy - revilement - opprobrium - slur - aspersions - detraction

Detraction refers to the act of taking away from the reputation, value, or importance of something. It often involves the expression of criticism or the diminishment of someone's or something's worth. In many instances, it refers to speaking ill of someone with the intention to damage their reputation. This action can be intentional or unintentional but generally has a negative impact.

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