conformity Synonym

Synonyme conformity

compliance - adherence - obedience - acquiescence - submission - agreement - accordance - alignment - congruence - harmony - similarity - likeness - uniformity - consistency - observance - assent - consent - concurrence - respect - deference - subservience - docility - tractability - conventionality - orthodoxy - traditionalism - regularity - sameness - homogeneity - standardization - integration - assimilation - adaptation - adjustment - fitting in - following the crowd - going along - toeing the line - abidance - conformance - allegiance - loyalty - faithfulness - devotion - dutifulness - subordination

Conformity refers to the act of matching attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors to group norms, politics or being like-minded among multiple members within a group. This topic largely connects to social psychology, which studies how individuals and groups interact. Conformity can be driven either by explicit pressure from peers or by intrinsic motivations to belong. It plays a critical role in maintaining societal standards and behaviors, though it can sometimes clash with individuality or personal principles.

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