confessing the plans Synonym

Synonyme confessing the plans

revealing the plans - disclosing the plans - divulging the plans - admitting the plans - exposing the plans - unveiling the plans - sharing the plans - uncovering the plans - announcing the plans - declaring the plans - making known the plans - letting out the plans - coming clean about the plans - opening up about the plans - laying bare the plans - bringing to light the plans - spilling the plans - fessing up the plans - acknowledging the plans - reporting the plans - informing about the plans - breaking the plans - telling the plans - communicating the plans - publishing the plans - broadcasting the plans - proclaiming the plans - making public the plans - airing the plans - presenting the plans - detailing the plans - narrating the plans - recounting the plans - confessing the intentions - revealing the intentions - disclosing the intentions - divulging the intentions - admitting the intentions - exposing the intentions - unveiling the intentions - sharing the intentions - uncovering the intentions - announcing the intentions - declaring the intentions - making known the intentions - letting out the intentions - coming clean about the intentions - opening up about the intentions - laying bare the intentions

Das Offenlegen von Plänen beinhaltet das Geständnis oder die Enthüllung geheimer oder geplanter Maßnahmen. Es kann in verschiedenen Kontexten vorkommen, wie zum Beispiel in persönlichen Beziehungen, bei geschäftlichen Verhandlungen oder in kriminalistischen Ermittlungen. Das Ziel ist in der Regel, Klarheit zu schaffen, Vertrauen zu gewinnen oder Verantwortung zu übernehmen.

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