coaxing Synonym

Synonyme coaxing

persuading - cajoling - wheedling - enticing - urging - convincing - sweet-talking - influencing - charming - seducing - inveigling - luring - tempting - beguiling - flattering - blandishing - soft-soaping - buttering up - sweetening - swaying - manipulating - pressuring - nudging - prompting - encouraging - inducing - motivating - goading - prodding - egging on - spurring - inciting - instigating - maneuvering - steering - guiding - leading - shepherding - directing - managing - handling - controlling - orchestrating - engineering - plotting - scheming - strategizing - planning

Coaxing is a gentle and persistent attempt to persuade someone to do something. It often involves soft, kind, or enticing language and actions to gently steer a person towards a desired behavior without directly pressuring them. This technique is commonly used in scenarios where a direct approach may not be effective, such as dealing with pets, children, or convincing someone to try something new. Coaxing requires patience and understanding, focusing on positive reinforcement and emotional appeal rather than forceful argumentation.

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