chimera Synonym

Synonyme chimera

illusion - fantasy - delusion - mirage - dream - hallucination - figment - phantasm - specter - phantom - vision - apparition - fabrication - invention - creation - concoction - fancy - whimsy - pipe dream - castle in the air - daydream - reverie - flight of fancy - figment of the imagination - wild idea - unattainable idea - unattainable dream - false hope - false belief - false impression - false perception - self-deception - wishful thinking - fool's paradise - utopia - ideal - unattainable goal - impossible dream - imaginary idea - imaginary concept - imaginary vision - mental image - mental picture - mental construct - mental creation - mental fabrication - mental invention - mental illusion - mental delusion - mental fantasy

In mythology, a chimera is a monstrous creature made up of parts from different animals. Typically depicted with the body and head of a lion, a goat's head rising from its back, and a serpent or dragon's tail, the chimera is a symbol of wild imagination and fearful creativity. The term is also used metaphorically in modern contexts to describe an unrealizable dream or fantasy, something that is hoped for but impossible to achieve.

Category: Mythology Tags: Mythical Monster Legend

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