bunkum Synonym

Synonyme bunkum

nonsense - rubbish - drivel - balderdash - hogwash - claptrap - twaddle - poppycock - gibberish - malarkey - baloney - tommyrot - blather - blarney - bunk - piffle - rot - tripe - hooey - moonshine - phooey - bosh - guff - eyewash - flapdoodle - humbug - jabber - mumbo jumbo - prattle - rigmarole - twattle - waffle - hot air - bunkum

Bunkum refers to speech or writing that is empty, insincere, or nonsensical. It often signifies statements, claims, or proposals that lack substantial content or genuine meaning, typically used to impress or mislead. The term originated in the early 19th century in the United States, linked to a speech by a North Carolina congressman from Buncombe County, who was accused of speaking for the benefit of his constituents rather than contributing meaningful debate.

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