bundling Synonym

Synonyme bundling

packaging - grouping - clustering - combining - assembling - collecting - consolidating - uniting - merging - amassing - aggregating - accumulating - gathering - integrating - joining - linking - associating - coupling - connecting - fusing - synthesizing - unifying - blending - coalescing - incorporating - melding - mixing - tying - binding - fastening - securing - wrapping - enclosing - enveloping - sheathing - swathing - covering - shrouding - encasing - enfolding - enwrapping - enswathing - enshrouding - enrobing

Bundling refers to the strategy of selling multiple products or services together as a single combined unit, often at a lower price than they would cost if purchased individually. It is a common technique used in various industries such as telecommunications, software, and retail to increase sales volume and provide greater value to customers. This approach can also simplify the purchasing process and enhance the overall customer experience.

Category: Economy Tags: Package Service Sale

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