Bringing to the world's attention Synonym

Synonyme Bringing to the world's attention

highlighting - emphasizing - showcasing - publicizing - spotlighting - drawing attention to - bringing to light - revealing - exposing - unveiling - disclosing - announcing - presenting - broadcasting - promoting - advertising - making known - pointing out - flagging - underscoring - stressing - accentuating - illuminating - foregrounding - heralding - trumpeting - proclaiming - declaring - manifesting - demonstrating - exhibiting - parading - airing - publishing - circulating - disseminating - spreading - communicating - informing - notifying - alerting - apprising - briefing - updating - reporting - detailing - narrating - recounting - describing - illustrating

The act of making something known or noticed by the global community, often involving efforts to spread information widely and draw public or professional interest. This can include activities such as campaigns, publications, media coverage, or other forms of communication aimed at raising consciousness about a particular issue, event, or topic.

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