bringing the errors to notice Synonym

Synonyme bringing the errors to notice

highlighting the mistakes - pointing out the errors - drawing attention to the errors - flagging the mistakes - identifying the errors - calling out the mistakes - noting the errors - reporting the mistakes - exposing the errors - revealing the mistakes - uncovering the errors - disclosing the mistakes - bringing the mistakes to light - making the errors known - showing the mistakes - indicating the errors - bringing the errors to attention - alerting to the mistakes - notifying about the errors - bringing up the mistakes - addressing the errors - mentioning the mistakes - raising the errors - spotlighting the mistakes - emphasizing the errors - underlining the mistakes - stressing the errors - bringing the mistakes to awareness - making the errors visible - pointing to the mistakes - bringing the errors forward - bringing the mistakes into focus - making the errors apparent - bringing the mistakes to the forefront - bringing the errors into view - making the mistakes evident - bringing the errors to the surface - bringing the mistakes to prominence - making the errors clear - bringing the mistakes to the fore - bringing the errors to light - making the mistakes obvious - bringing the errors to public attention - making the mistakes noticeable - bringing the errors to everyone's attention - making the mistakes stand out - bringing the errors to the forefront of attention - making the mistakes clear - bringing the errors to the public eye

Bringing the errors to notice refers to the act of making someone aware of mistakes or issues that have occurred. This can involve pointing out discrepancies or problems in work, procedures, or systems, ensuring that the relevant individuals acknowledge and address these errors to improve or rectify the situation.

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