blabbing Synonym

Synonyme blabbing

chattering - prattling - babbling - jabbering - rambling - gabbing - yakking - gossiping - nattering - yapping - mouthing off - running off at the mouth - spilling the beans - shooting the breeze - talking nonsense - blathering - droning on - waffling - jabbering away - talking idly - talking too much - talking aimlessly - talking incessantly - talking without thinking - talking foolishly - talking trivially - talking carelessly - talking indiscreetly - talking thoughtlessly - talking unguardedly - talking unwisely - talking without restraint - talking without purpose - talking without meaning - talking without substance - talking without relevance - talking without importance - talking without significance - talking without value - talking without merit - talking without sense - talking without reason - talking without logic - talking without coherence - talking without clarity - talking without precision - talking without focus - talking without direction

Blabbing refers to speaking in a careless or nonchalant manner, often revealing secrets or confidential information. It is the act of talking excessively without mindful consideration of the content or the audience. Blabbing can be informal and is sometimes associated with gossiping or spreading rumors. It can happen in various settings - during casual conversations, social gatherings, or even within more formal environments where discretion is critical.

Category: Communication Tags: Gossip Talk Speech

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